Late Night
It's late this night and I'm a bit tired
so many words go round in my head
I have to sort them and put them to phrases
before I will let myself go to bed

Tomorrow my husband will look at me pitying
"Your own fault if you can't stay awake today"
But he doesn't have that inner urge feeling
that makes me write down what I want to say

If I was to wait to write down these words
they will not come out as I feel them tonight
So I will sit before my friendly computer
and write and write till the dawn of light

It's stupid I know, but it gives me pleasure
tomorrow is only a few hours away
I know when I have to get up in the morning
that I'm worth nothing during the whole day

But still I hang on to this precious moment
my little blind cat is snoring in my lap
I really want to finish these phrases
so I can send them on to the internet web

My little blind cat, she is so special
I would, you could see a picture of her
She 'looks' at me and she stretches softly
and curls up again with a loudly purr

It's half past three and time to go under
a full day of work lays ahead of me
probably they'll wonder why I look so tired
they won't understand, so I let them be

I know that you know what I'm talking about
you have the same urge to write poetry
that's why I dare to share my feelings and
enjoy the feed-back if you will give it to me

Worldwide © 2001 by Titia Geertman

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